![Is Yoga a Religion? [Video]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c1de07_403e7c2368e54c4a8f7736bb1166951a~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_324,h_243,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/c1de07_403e7c2368e54c4a8f7736bb1166951a~mv2.webp)
Is Yoga a Religion? [Video]
Yoga is not a religion, but it has influenced religious belief. This is an important distinction.

The Real Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra - A Treasury of 112 Types of Yoga Part 1
For those who have trained as yoga teachers with us at Akram Yoga, you will know the deep affection I have for a classical text—the...

The Origins of Yoga - How We Should Be Inspired by the Trailblazers
A Brief Look at the Pioneers of Yoga In the video above, I give a short introduction to the history of yoga. Of course, I’ve left out a...

How to - Breathe in Mountain Pose
I'm a big fan of Mountain Pose. When practised at the start of a class, it becomes the anchor for the entire standing sequence. If your...

How to - Breathe in Yoga
In the yoga world, many students, teachers, and influencers talk a good game. They claim to understand yoga—a movement system guided and...

How to Do - Triangle 🔺 (Trikoṇāsana) & the History of the Pose
In this blog, I will guide you through a brief history of the Triangle Pose, share various variations, and include a video tutorial to...

How to do - The 8 Angle Pose (Aṣṭāvakrāsana) & Origins of the Pose
The 8 Angle pose or the "Crooked 8" Pose The "Crooked 8" pose, as labelled by the great Dharma Mittra , is dedicated to the sage...

How to do - Peacock Pose 🦚 (Mayūrāsana) & Origins of the Pose
Mayurasana: A Short History Lesson (before the How) For a long time, the word asana simply meant "seat" or "throne"—a stable, steady...

A History of the Sun Salutation Sequence
I have written before about the mythical origins of the Sun Salutation : how baby Hanuman thought the sun was a ripe mango and leapt into...

The Eight Limbs of Yoga - A Journey into Space
Through the darkness of emptiness, Patanjali tells us, we can experience the light of truth. It’s as if he’s whispering: “Sit in the void. F

How to do - Gate Pose (Parighāsana) & the Quadratus Lumborum
The Quadratus Lumborum (QL) is an underrated powerhouse of the core, often overshadowed by its more well-known counterparts like the...

The First Yogi: Part 3 (updated)
Original Post - 21/03/2017 The previous blog explained how Parvati, wishing to illuminate the universe, asked her husband Shiva to...

How to do - The Sun Salutation (Sūrya Namaskāra): The Anatomy Part 1 - Updated inc Videos
The following anatomical breakdown of the Sun Salutation is detailed and divided into three parts. If you’re someone who simply loves flowin

The First Yogi Part 1 (updated)
A very long time ago, perhaps as much as 15,000 years ago, before anyone had heard of Yoga or the Bhagavad Gita or even Tantra, a unique loo

How to do - Warrior 1 (Vīrabhadrāsana I)
Continuing from my last blog on Warrior 2, here’s a look at Warrior 1—this time from my perspective, emphasizing biomechanics rather than...