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The Akram Yoga Team

Real pictures. Real teachers. Real people. Scroll down for biographies.


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Zahir Akram


Nominated for Best Yoga Instructor in Surrey 2019!


Zahir found his enlightenment as a child squatting under a mango tree 🌴 on the banks of the Basingstoke canal. Since then Zahir has offered to those who will listen, his enlightened punditry on life.


Removing tongue from cheek, Zahir teaches a "classic" style of Hatha yoga, with a focus on developing balance, alignment and strength, in body and mind. The classical element is that the poses are taught statically. There's lots of instruction to help you understand each pose; Zahir's classes are ideal if you are unsure how even to begin to position your body in a yoga class. He will spell it out with clarity and help you learn to bend and stretch without risk of injury. There's time for students to explore working through each posture and to strive to perfect it to the best of their ability.  


Although some of the postures seem advanced, beginners are welcome. There is scope in this class for everyone to face new challenges, overcome their fears and realise their true potential.

Zahir's schedule:

Mondays 10am (75 mins)

Mondays 8pm (75 mins)

Wednesdays 10am (75 mins)

Fridays 1pm (60 mins)

Saturdays 10.30am (90 mins)


Zahir is also available for private yoga tuition and personal training. For everything from rehabilitation to weight-loss. You can book by messaging 07577 422132.

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Watch Zahir & Laura on our newly launched YouTube channel.

It is still in its infancy. Lots more content to follow!

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Laura Akram


Yoga is for Everyone .... although Laura's classes are challenging, she caters for all levels from complete beginners to more advanced practitioners as postures are modified according to the level of experience, current strength, and flexibility. Through correct technique and consistent yoga practice, you will reap the incredible benefits of Yoga which include increased strength and flexibility, inner peace and calmness of mind and enhanced concentration and focus.


Laura is often asked what 'type' of yoga she teaches. Whilst she does teach some Ashtanga classes, she believes that despite all the different types and styles,  names and fads, ultimately Yoga is Yoga!  Laura teaches 'asana' (physical postures) incorporating 'pranayama' (breathing techniques) and philosophy.


Laura has been practicing for over 15 years! Take a look at her Instagram


Laura teaches a non-heated class in studio 2, Monday evenings at 18.30. Booking is essential as Laura's class on this day only accommodates 10 students.


Laura also teachers a 90 minute hot yoga and meditation class (in the main studio), Sundays at 18.00.

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Claire Berghorst


Claire is our resident Ashtanga Yoga teacher and we are proud to have her as part of our team. Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic style of yoga that synchronises breath, body & movement. You a set sequence, using the traditional Sanskrit count. The count provides us with a technique to practice the sequence as a moving meditation.


The sequence is ideal for all levels of practitioners. Whilst the full sequence is dynamic and physically challenging you would start off slowly and practice the postures that are appropriate. Slowly over time further postures are added, thus allowing students to practice at a pace that is right for them, right now, but also providing a framework for ebbs & flows to occur.


Claire teaches her Ashtanga Vinyasa primary series (led practice) Friday mornings at 10.00.


You can book in via our schedule.

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Lindsey Brown


Lindsey’s teaching has elements of Ashtanga yoga to it often with creative sequencing to keep the class light-hearted yet challenging, with modifications offered throughout. Every class follows a set sequence with sun salutations to start, a standing section, followed by seated (which varies week to week) and finishes with inversions. Lindsey believes that ending with inversions (any asana where the head is below the heart) is a great way to continue your day as they have numerous benefits, such as improving mental function, re-energising the mind and body and producing feelings of balance and calm – to mention a few!


Lindsey teaches 60 min classes on Wednesday evenings at 18.30 and Thursday lunchtimes at 13.00. 


You can book in via our schedule.


Vanessa Dale


Vanessa runs a "Power" Yoga class but don’t be scared by the title, as it’s available to all levels!  We all have strengths and challenges, therefore, various options are offered so you tailor the class to your own level.


A lighthearted approach encourages students to relax, enabling them to listen to their own bodies without intimidation, because you most definitely won’t find the Yoga Police in this class as the focus is all about celebrating what you can do (not what you can't), for with practice and patience the rest will come so you are encouraged to work within your own parameters of stretch and strength (no strain or pain) therefore giving you the control, enabling you to work, as strong or lightly as YOU choose too.!


This is mainly a strength and conditioning class, fantastic for getting fit! The movement is dynamic, the aim is by keeping it flowing, with upbeat music playing, it also helps give a focus to those with overactive minds.  Only verbal adjustments are used, again to give you the control to deepen the pose to your own ability, so rest assured you will never be forced into a pose because only when the body is ready will it arrive.


Vanessa teaches a Flow class, Tuesday’s at 10.00 (75 mins).


You can book in via our schedule.

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Christine Felix


Senior yoga teacher Christine blends elements from all her own yoga experience; hatha, vinyasa flow, ashtanga and even elements of kundalini practice she has picked up along the way.


Christine uses music in her classes, feeling that it enhances the environment for practice. She believes that yoga is a serious business but it’s important not to take it (or herself) too seriously and her classes are light-hearted and often feature her rather warped sense of humour. She thinks everyone should work to their own level and learn to be content with what they can achieve here and now, in this moment, and not compare themselves with others or even with themselves on another day.


Christine is also our in house teacher trainer, helping to take our yogis on the next level of their journey. For more information click here.


Chris teaches the Tuesday evening hot class at 18.30 and the beginners course at 20.00, Thursday mornings at 10.00 (75 mins) and Sunday mornings at 09.00 and 10.30 (both classes 60 mins).





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Vinna Barber


Having studied yoga for the past 12 years and worked in an office environment for the past 25 years, Vinna has learnt how important yoga has become as part of her daily life. Used to sitting at a desk for up to 8 hours a day, Vinna chose yoga to de-stress her mind and to keep her body healthy and energetic with the added benefit of leaving her feeling less lethargic.


Vinna brings an energetic, passionate and enthusiastic attitude towards teaching and has been a dedicated hatha yoga practitioner for many years. Vinna is also equally captivated by the precision of the Iyengar system. Vinna create’s gentle and aligned Vinyasa flows and enjoys the calm and quietness of the mind and body in restorative and meditation techniques.


Vinna teaches a non-heated class in Studio 2 Thursday evenings at 18.30 and then a hot class at 20.00 (both classes 60 minutes).


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Maria Longman


Maria love's sharing her passion for Yoga with everyone. She believe's that with an open mind yoga will fill your heart and simply become a part of you are.


Maria enjoys teaching everyone. Ranging from beginners to students with an established practice. Maria loves to help everyone learn and explore their own abilities.


Maria strongly believes's that we should not judge - ourselves or each other. Everyone’s bodies are so different, each with different limitations, each day. Patience and persistence are essential. Believing in yourself is a must.


Maria teaches a non-heated class, every Wednesday morning at 10.00.

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Kate Thompson


Working as an English and Drama teacher, Kate originally turned to yoga for a slice of peace and tranquility in her noisy days! She soon realised the incredible physical and mental benefits and became a yoga addict. Kate completed her 200-hour teacher training with Sun Power Yoga, an eclectic mix of Hatha for alignment, Sivananda for breath and mindfulness, and Astanga for heat and strength.


Kate begins her classes with lively flows to build the heat and energy, and then slows it down for the second half of the class by working into the postures more deeply. She aims to work equally on the strength and the stretch, to leave her students feeling balanced and relaxed.


Kate teaches her hot class Monday evenings at 18.30 (60 minutes).


Sara Al-Rikabi


Sara draws on elements of her varied practice, including hatha, ashtanga and vinyasa flow, to create fun and challenging sequences.  She mixes longer holds of poses with movement, using creative flows and dynamic exploration of postures. Students will build strength, flexibility, and learn to sync breath with movement.


Sara believes the key to a rewarding and sustainable practice is an open mindset, and learning to listen to and respect your body and where it is at today.  With options for students of all abilities, Sara will help you explore your edge safely, and create a friendly, welcoming space to develop your practice.

Sara teaches Saturday mornings at 9am. Book via our schedule.

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Nina Lenger


Nina started her yoga practice in 2008 and fell for it head over heels (or converse and flip flops in my case). Not only has it reinvigorated her love for movement and being playful, it also changed the way she connects and interact with her body, mind, and the rest of the world. 


The style of yoga Nina teaches is fluid in principle with some longer holds, and the pace ranges from slow to dynamic - depending on the theme or level of the class. All Nina's classes have a strong focus on connecting movement to your breath, exploring and finding appropriate alignment for you in your body, and allowing you to explore and find your yoga practice in a playful yet safe environment. 


Nina teaches her hot class Thursday evenings at 18.30 (60 mins).


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Emma Campbell-Stanway


Emma teaches a vinyasa class comprising – standing, seated and finishing poses. The sequencing will incorporate asanas that will enable the student to develop a balance between strength and flexibility. 


The class will include some dynamic movement and precise postures that will be adapted to suit all students.  Focussing on synchronizing breath and movement will provide the student the opportunity to turn inward and focus on how their body feels during the practice.  Emma believes that this awareness will help develop healthy movement patterns that can be taken from the practice room into everyday life. 


Emma teaches her non-heated class, Tuesday evenings at 18.30.



Lyn Brooks


Lyn's loves to share with her students her passion and enthusiasm for yoga, deepening their practice by giving them the confidence to explore poses.

She is aware that sometimes the biggest challenge is being able to show up on your mat so generates a positive serene environment. 


She does this through Hatha-based sequences with some longer holds, always starting with the foundation, gently encouraging students to ‘feel’ correct alignment, inviting, even experienced practitioners, to revisit the basic poses. 


By giving options in different asanas, all abilities and levels will find her classes accessible. 


Her main focus is the art of ‘letting go’, using the breath as a fundamental and integral  tool, bringing together the physical and calming benefits of yoga.


Lyn teaches a beginners course, Thursday evenings at 20.00



Sheree Halliday


Coming from a martial arts background Sheree began her yoga journey back in 2008 practicing Bikram yoga 2-3 times a week finding it beneficial & complimentary to her fight career physically & mentally.


Years later as Sheree’s fight career came to an unexpected end due to injury yoga became a more permanent fixture & in 2016 She studied with Akram yoga & yoga alliance to qualify in her 200 hours & later in 2017 completing pre & postnatal yoga with yoga London.


Sheree has a light-hearted approach to teaching & offers a mix of vinyasa & hatha style yoga. Beginning with sun salutations to get warmed up then incorporating  some longer holds in standing poses, balancing poses & inversions. Sheree encourages students to take their practice to their own limit making classes accessible for all, offering variations of poses when needed.


Sheree believes a good practice should leave you feeling relaxed & balanced physically & emotionally & glad you found time to be on your mat.


Sheree teaches her hot class Wednesday evenings at 20.00


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Julie Yew-Crijns


Julie has been practicing for over 20 years and teaching for 12. She was a long time Ashtanga practitioner before discovering prana vinyasa and found her teacher Shiva Rea. Although Rea has been her main teacher, she has also explored many different systems of practice and trained with teachers from Sivananda yoga, Jivanmukti yoga, Anusara yoga, and Para yoga as a way to receive a rounded study of yoga.


She offers strong and challenging classes with a focus on breath and presence. Whilst classes can be dynamic, her classes remain lighthearted and accessible to every Body. 


Look out for Julie on our timetable as she covers Saturday classes when she is available.



Booking your class at our studio couldn't be any easier. View our price list and select an option to purchase. 


If you don't have time to book, don't worry. Just turn up and we will find you a mat.


Our NEW studio will be 157 Station Road, Addlestone (near Weybridge), KT15 2AT


Click here to find us.

07427 412845


Akram Hot Yoga 2018, Stretched into position by Dan James

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